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Alabama Courier, The (Newspaper) May 17, 1945, Athens, Alabama PAGE SIX THE ALABAMA COURIER ATHENS ALABAMA THURSDAY MAY 17 1945 By Mamlo Pettus Mrs J M Head came home from Powers Hospital Tuesday afternoon and is improving Mrs Carl Spence and children from Athens Route 3 are visiting Mrs J M Head Mrs Will A Gilbert is ill at her home Prospect Sta Tenn Route two The W H D Club met with Mrs J D Harlow Thursday after noon 11 members Mrs Sides and one visitor Mrs Glenn from Elkmont were present The demonstration on making bags was given by Mrs Sides Club will meet next month with Mrs Joe Wales The allday quilting given by Mrs L E Robinson and Mrs sie Willis was enjoyed and almost two quilts finished and a good dinner was served Mrs Dewey Bryant from Veto attended the quilting Wednesday Mrs Dove Wallace Mrs mas Moore and Miss Lola F inson from Decatur Miss Mable Harlow and Edgar Harlow from Veto attended church at ville Church of Christ Sunday Bro E Alexander and Almon Powers were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs B V Holt Mrs R E Hodges visited Mrs L E Dunnavant Sunday Miss Iva B Pettus from ville spent last week with her ents Mr and Mrs Thomas W Pettus at Veto Mr and Mrs Buford Stanford Misses Lillian and Sarah Fay Stanford visited Mr and Mrs James Stanford Sunday Mrs C A Yarbrough visited Mr and Mrs Gene Duncan at Florence last week Mrs Dove Wallace visited her Sardis Springs By Nellie Mow From Last Week The rains that fell the past week delayed the farmers of this com munity with their planting Amos Moss is spending a few days with his parents Mr and Mrs Sam Moss Little Mamie Moss spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs Jake Green Misses Dons and Thelma lent and Thomas King called on Edith Moss Sunday afternoon Miss Lucille Moss and Bug Pre snell attended church at Copeland Sunday Mr and Mrs Jake Green and little daughter visited Sam Moss and family Friends of Mrs Nannie Hill were shocked to learn of her death April 30 1945 She was a devoted wife and mother The family has our deepest sympathy Mrs Robert father and brother Harvy Southard of Scottsboro are spending a few days with her Nellie Moss visited Mrs Mattie Adams one day last Mrs Adams mother Mrs Lula Casteel of Athens route six is spending a few days with her No Back Pvt C of San down the law to at a base in the Islands Danny has three changes of neck uniform and assists his roaster in huj men of the Fourth Air Vi U S Corps Photo brother K C Dunnavant and family Sunday Mr and Mrs Guy Stanford and little son from Hays Mill attended church at the church of Christ Sunday morning T C Davis Misses Ima Gene and Alice Ann Davis were called to Ardmore Tenn Tuesday by the death of William Currin Bro and Mrs F M Smith and Mrs Sam W Hargrove attended the burial of William Currin at Ardmore Wednesday afternoon Little Miss Sue Bates visited her pital Mr Nichols also returned home Mr and Mrs Joe Holt Mrs Lola Fettus Benton and Mamie Pettus visited Mr and Mrs T W Pettus at Veto Thursday evening Born to Mr and Mrs Willis Bates at Elkmont April 30 1945 a baby girl named July Ann Mrs Will Wray and grand daughter spent Wednesday night with Mr and Mrs W L Wray Mrs M T Stanford and Miss Frances Stanford visited Mrs Buford and Miss Lillian Stanford Wednesday afternoon Thomas C and Thomas W tus visited Mr and Mrs W B Spence Sunday morning Mr and Mrs T C Milam of Decatur were called to the bed side of Mrs Milam's mother Mrs Will A Gilbert Mrs Ivan Stewert from Veto at tended the club meeting Thursday afternoon Carl Spence from Athens spent Friday night with V C Head Miss Ruth Locke from ville visited her parents Mr and Mrs L M Locke Sr grandfather Erskin Bates Hon and Mrs Thomas C day j tus and Miss Gale Pettus from Mrs Louis Bates of Prospect Moulton spent the week end spent a few days last week with the Pettus family at Veto and Mr and Mrs Erskin Bates Born to Mr and Mrs Vernon Usery a baby boy named Paul Jr Mrs Ben S Whitfield returned home Monday afternoon after spending some days with her her who was in a Nashville Mr and Mrs Joe Holt and the Pettus at Mrs L M Locke Sr Mrs ford Stanford Mrs Ernest Usery Mrs J H Stanford Miss Sarah Fay Stanford and Charles David Stanford were in Athens Saturday shopping HERMITAGE FEEDS FOR LIVESTOCK POULTRY Healthy productive livestock poultry are helping the nation win on every front The way to your cows porkers and hens thrive is to keep them wefl cd with our j HERMITAGE FEEDS Happenings At Harvest Alabama From Last Week Mrs Earl Wilson and son Glen from Huntsville visited her sister Mrs James Henry part of last week Many enjoyed a family reunion over at Mr and Mrs Jack nell's Sunday Hollis Kennemer returned home Sunday after being a German We are glad to learn he waa freed and returned home safe Mr and Mrs Sam Hargrove Mrs Eunice Woodfin and Mrs Glenn Magnusson from ville visited Mr and Mrs John Woodfin and family Sunday Mr and Mrs Mason Woodfin and Miss Jean Woodfin and Glen and Charles visited Mr and Mrs John Woodfin and family Sunday Mr and Mrs Willis Anderson and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J E Anderson and Jean and Mrs Ivian Post and baby Miss Lou Emma Woodfin ed Miss Betty and Tan Neeley Saturday Charles Woodfin visited in ens Saturday Born to Mr and Mrs Ollie Swain a baby boy May 3rd Mrs Vernon Brooks and Glenda visited her mother and father Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy Brewer Mason and John Woodfin were visiting in Sunday afternoon We ask everyone to come out to our bible class each Sunday night Starts at Brother E F Bullington is our teacher Eugene Turner has returned to Camp in Virginia after spending a furlough with his mother and her Mrs James Henry and Mrs Earl Wilson and little son Glen visited Mrs John Woodfin and Miss Ruth Woodfin Tuesday after Athens Rt One Robert Broadway The many friends of Miss tha M Black saleslady at more's regret to learn she is ill at home with flu Miss Mattie Hardaway and neice Jackie Moyers visited Miss Barnes of Route four Tuesday Mrs Addie Harris and family have moved to Arkansas Mr and Mrs Mred Kelley of Tanner visited relatives last week of Route four Misses Willa Mae and Barnes visited Mr and Mrs Earl Owens of Route four Friday Dan Barnes left for his home in Arkansas after two enjoyable weeks visit here Bobby Davidson Camp Camp Peary Va is home for 10 day leave with his parents Mr and Mrs Will Davidson Madison Route one Ronald Jarret is improving from several days illness of kidney uble Miss Lorena Powers of Decatur visited friends of Athens Friday Mrs Carlos Black and little son Carlos Wayne visited relatives in Athens last week Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Will Dock Black were Mr and Mrs Walter Black Mr and Mrs Sam Black and family of Hays Mill Mrs Carl Black and Mrs Gracie Dawes were in Huntsville Friday shopping Cpl Henry Black stationed in France Pfc Carlos Black in Italy fine sons of Mr and Mrs Carl Black write they are O K and expecting to come home soon Mr and Mrs Marvin Clem and five children are improving from mumps Mr and Mrs Bud Wallace of Elkmont Route 1 visited Mr and Mrs Marvin Clem and family who are ill with mumps Mr and Mrs Everett Roberson and children of Athens Route 2 Reids visited Mr and Mrs Snow Hardiman and family Mr and Mrs A I Brewer and Mr and Mrs Dick Roberson last week Mrs Flora Broadway and son Butch are in Chattanooga where Butch is working Mrs D M Cluxton suffered a heart attack last week She is with Mrs Pea Broadway slowly improving Mrs Rufus Allen and Mrs Earl Bumpus were evening guests of Mrs Hienry Schaub Miss Pauline Schaub and Silas Schaub day night Mrs Earlie Clem who has been in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa Hospital three months has ved and returned to her home at Birmingham She is a sister of Mrs C A Kaufman of Athens Route one Mr and Mrs Noah Pullum en a number of relatives Sunday with a nice dinner ing Sgt Charlie Pullum who is home from overseas Mr and Mrs Thomas Young and baby of Decatur were called here Saturday to be with her brother Cpl Tech J M Birdsong who is home from the Pacific Our deepest sympathy is ex Corinth By Mni From Week Bro Banta preached for the congregation at Corinth Sunday night The public is invited to at tend preaching each Sunday night at Those who visited with Mr and Mrs Straud Norton and Mrs Minnie Johnson during the past week Mr and Mrs Henry Menefee Mr and Mrs Lakin Lambert Mrs George Norton and daughters Mrs Ed Ray and Mr and Mrs Wilton per and children Mrs Jim bert and Miss Mary Turner of Athens Mrs Thomas Gooch Cleo Schrimsher of Birmingham ed with relatives of this ty over the week end Mr and Mrs Rufus Barksdale and Jerry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Holt and sons Miss Mary Sandlin visited day afternoon with Mrs Luther Hall Mr and Mrs W H Laxson entertained the young people of this community with a party Saturday night in honor of their son Clifton's birthday A large crowd was present and all en joyed a nice time and wished him many more happy birthdays Mr and Mrs Robie Bailey and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Lee Peace Mr and Mrs Reed Stringer and son of Huntsville spent Sunday with the latter's parent's Mr and Mrs Alex Vinson Mr and Mrs Josh Barksdale visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Theo Tunstill and Judy of ens Mr and Mrs Lee Barksdale and Mr and Mrs George Stovall and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Rusell Menefee and daughters Born to Mr and Mrs Robert Barksdale May 3rd a little They have named her Gayle Miss Ira Mai Barksdale of Los Angles Calif is spending several days with her parents Mr and Mrs Lee Barksdale tended to the bereaved ones of W B Johnson a beloved mail j carrier of Route 3 for several I years He died Thursday night after a long illness Mr and Mrs Bob Birdsong en with a Home Coming dinner Sunday for relatives oring Cpl Tech J M Birdsong who is home from four years ser vice for 21 days Thanks to Mr McGrew and the entire staff of the Alabama er for the Extra Edition last week It was O K FOR SALE BY ATHENS GRAIN CO 104 E Pryor St Phone Will you hold a FAT SALVAGE BEE for your bor seeds help all the folks pitch in and give biro a hand Many a harvest would have been lost without the an oldfashioned husking bee Right now your country is calling on you the women in towns and en the farms to bold a bee and help meet a critical fat shortage TO MEET THC of our country used fats are wanted Scrape pans Skin soups and gravies Save meat a week them down Your butcher will give you 2 red points pound If you have any call your County Agent or local Salvage Committee Needed this more ponds of md WTA OPA Talc for Face Powder Face powder used by at least 90 per cent of American women has for its base and bulk socalled French chalk This highgrade talc is mined in Italy France India and Canada and has flowed into ica at the rate of approximately 28 million pounds a year Most of this supply went into fine face powders and talcums Need a prompt 25 to 40 i doses only use THE QUESTION BOX A Paid Weekly Feature By The Churches of Christ If we are baptized into Christ why was Christ Why did John baptize That was before Christ died Athens Route Four An Error In the first place our querist makes an error in saying if we are baptized into Christ When the Bible on a subject there are no if's to it On this sub ject the Bible has spoken Rom says Are ye ignorant that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his Paul says we are tized into Christ Jesus and that settles the matter Now to the question itself Christ Why was Christ Jesus himself answers for us Suffer it now for thus it becometh us to fulfil all Mt Jesus was not baptized to get into himself Neither was he baptized for the remission of his sins for he had no sins He was baptized to fulfil all righteousness David says in Psalms All thy commandments are ness Jesus was therefore tized to fulfil the commandment of God More light on this subject is given in I Peter Christ so suffered for you leaving you an example that ye should follow his steps Christ was baptized to fulfil all righteousness or to obey the commandment of God In this he left us an example that we should follow in his steps No man can follow the of Christ without being baptized No man can fulfil all righteousness out being baptized No man can obey the commandments of God without baptized Why Did John The next part of the question asks why did John That also is answered in the Bible John came who baptized in the wilderness and preached the tism of repentance unto remission of Mark John lived and died under the Old Law The Jews had lost sight of the principles of the Law and had drifted away from God into a legalistic seeking to establish their own righteousness John came crying Repent giving as an inducement tor the kingdom of heaven is at hand The only way the sins of these Jews could be forgiven was by repentance ing from sun and back to God As a public declaration of their re they submitted to tism John's baptism was not as is sometimes stated for the sion of sins Repentance was for the remission of sins and John's baptism was because of tance Baptism for the remission of sins belongs to the Christian dispensation beginning with Acts US TOUR QUESTIONS We shall be glad to present the Bible teaching on the subject in j which you are interested Send is your questions Write the Box Box 858 Athens I Alabama B U Y H R D6 g Elkmont Rt One By Mrs Annie There will be a Decoration at cemetery Sunday 20th Pvt Harry Adams of Camp lby Miss is on a few days lough with his parents of near Elkmont Miss Dean Clem spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs Alton Clem Mr and Mrs Rily Mauberry and children visited in this com munity Sunday Mrs Malista Powers is not im proving at her home Rily Rich and daughter garet were in Athens Saturday Miss Ruth Locke spent the week end at home Mr and Mrs Thomas Rochell were the supper guests of George Rochell and family Sunday A very large crowd was at old Scrooge cemetery Sunday for the Decoration Sam Davis and son Lewis were in Elkmont Saturday on business Mrs William Evans went to Athens Saturday and had the ches removed from her thumb Mr and Mrs Ten Hargrove and son Gaddis of near Holland's Gin visited Mr and Mrs Homer Wales Friday Mr and Mrs George Rochelle and Walter visited Mrs Mattie Daly and Rivers Thursday of last week Mrs Jack Rochelle of Toney spent a few days last week with her mother Mrs Malista Powers of Ragsdale Creek Mr and Mrs Frankie Clark and children were in Athens day Mrs Gowans of Elkmont Route one is improving after a weeks illness Miss Allie D Sanderson of aski spent Friday night with Mr and Mrs Alton Clem of Fort Hampton Road Mr and Mrs Van Wales spent Saturday night with George helle and family Mrs Eva Thornton and er Alice and Ernest Fulkner were at old Scrooge Sunday for the De Mr and Mrs Locke were in Athens Saturday shopping Dresses for Hot Weather Surplice style dresses are tical for housework in hot weather They are simple to make and der easily All types of work ments should provide plenty of room for bending and stretching and they should be sti r enough to w stand repeated LINES OF COMMUNICATION Each new mile ahead toward total victory on all fronts lengthens the telephone lines of the lifelines of our Army and Navy And manufacturers of tele phone equipment are still working at full capacity to fill urgent war needs That is wny there is still a ing list fw service on the home Not until these war demands Stop will manufacturers of tele phone equipment be able to con vert their plants to the production of new equipment needed to fill civilian demands for service Even when new equipment is available it will require able additional time to install it before we will be able to serve all who ore In the tsy serving war needs first we are helping to hasten day when all who want service con jet it more cracked eggs for Lester Green poultry man Instead of hens oyster shells to provide lime lie feeds them plastic The hens lay with cellophane shells Sez Lester With hSn com in wrapped in cellophane I get to thinkin it would sixe the a lot of money if that way too So pills was the answer No Broken means money for more and bisser War Bonds v s Ml
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